Here's a twist: 91% of Americans living in Mexico are "Illegal"
By Sara Noelle
Source: Latin Life

When most people hear the words "undocumented immigrants" they think Mexicans right? But did you know that there are a lot Americans living illegally in Mexico? Yeah, I didn’t think so. The way Fox News and Trump talk, you'd think that was something only those "drug dealers" from south of the border did. NOT SO.
The United State’s State Department confirms that almost a million Americans are living illegally in Mexico.

From 2015 the number of Americans living illegally in Mexico has increased 37.8%. According to a Study by the National Institute of Geography and Statistics, around 739,168 thousand American Citizens lived in Mexico in 2015 and, according to the National Institute of Immigration, of those only 65,302 were legal residents.
That means that 91.2 percent of Estadounidenses living in the country in 2015 were there “illegally” but that number has risen. More recent statistics from the Sate Department stipulate that almost a million Americans are currently residing in Mexico and of those 934,698 are there illegally. That's a 37.8% increase in just two years.

While Trump’s administration and campaign have been loaded with hateful words and racist slurs concerning “immigrants stealing our jobs,” they failed to even mention the reverse statistics. Trump has threatened to carry out massive raids and deport millions of who he calls “criminals” and “delinquents” but who are actually just regular people trying to live their lives.Did you know that of the roughly 11,328 people Trump has deported back to Mexico only 723 were deported on drug trafficking charges or anything equally as serious.

But unlike the way the US treats so called “illegals,” Mexico does not deport Americans. In contrast the Mexican government remains much more flexible and understanding towards the influx of undocumented immigrants from the United States.
That's a phrase I bet you never thought you'd read.