วันอังคาร, พฤศจิกายน 19, 2562

ขออภัย เศรษฐกิจไทยดับ "เครื่องเสีย" ดิอีโคโนมิสต์เค้าว่า ชนชั้นปกครอง บ่มีน้ำยา...

In the slow lane: the Thai economy

GDP figures released today showed that economic growth in South-East Asia’s second-biggest economy faltered along at 2.4% over the same quarter last year, barely more than the previous quarter’s rate. Factory output, exports and investment all fell. Producer prices have been dropping all year amid weak domestic demand. Inflation is around 1%. The high level of the baht, which is propped up by a current-account surplus, makes exports expensive and holidaying in the kingdom pricey. The finance minister has warned of tougher times in 2020. For now, income from Chinese and Indian tourists and rising public spending (including a $10.4bn stimulus package) will help keep recession at bay. The country’s ruling establishment—comprising the monarchy, the army and big business—has found a way to rule behind the veil of parliamentary democracy. But it has yet to find a way to revive economic growth.
