วันเสาร์, พฤศจิกายน 21, 2563

การดับแก๊สน้ำตา ฮ่องกงโมเดล (ต้องการกำลังหน่วยงานนี้ - อานนท์ นำภา)

This mesmerizingly simple but crafty way of thwarting riot police sparked admiration and curiosity. Tear gas is one of the most dreaded crowd control weapons. Could it really be that simple to defuse the stuff and spare protesters from injury?

Actually, yes, but the size of the weapon that protesters are up against is crucial. Overall, tear gas chemistry is actually pretty simple. According to Sven Eric Jordt, an associate professor of anesthesiology at Duke University and expert in tear gas, the pure substance behind it is not a gas at all but a whitish powder at room temperature. It has to be heated in order to cause its notoriously painful effects—coughing, wheezing, temporary blindness. That happens through a pyrotechnic charge in the tear gas cartridge, which creates diesel fireworks that cause particles to be dispersed into the environment as an aerosol gas.

Without the fiery charge, nothing would happen. That’s the main reason why water stymies the reaction—by killing the charge so that no vaporized particles can be released. On top of this, the tear-producing substance in the cartridge, called CS, is also sensitive to water, which means it’s basically inactivated when protesters start pouring. That’s why water is also used to treat people who have already been victim to tear gas; it stops the whole painful reaction.

“What you see in this video is that the smoke coming out of the cartridge is extinguished and [the protesters] basically just throw it away,” said Jordt.

Impressive how thoughtful and organised these protestors are. Bottles of water are left along pavements and other strategic areas so people can douse themselves, and put out teargas grenades when police move in #HongKong #AntiELAB #反送中 pic.twitter.com/Oq1FQHaeXc— Lianain Films (@LianainFilms) June 12, 2019

Source: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/06/hong-kong-tear-gas-water-bottle.html

How Hong Kong protesters extinguish tear gas canisters

Hong Kong Free Press

Aug 5, 2019

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