วันเสาร์, มิถุนายน 06, 2563

ข่าว "วันเฉลิม สัตย์ศักดิ์สิทธิ์" จากสื่อนอก

Those disappearances raised suspicions they had been kidnapped by a death squad, either vigilantes or officially sanctioned.

Witnesses said they saw the Thai activist sitting at a store near the apartment building, after ordering a plate of meatballs. Shortly after, a black car that one of the witnesses identified as a Toyota Highlander pulled up near Wanchalearm Satsaksit. Three men dressed in black exited the vehicle with concealed weapons.
One of the unidentified men then punched Wanchalearm in the neck, said two of the witnesses, after which the Thai activist was strangled as he was dragged to the car, all the while screaming for help.
“Chuoy pong. Chuoy pong. Chuoy pong. Chuoy pong,” Wanchalearm was heard shouting, which translates to “please help.”