วันเสาร์, พฤษภาคม 02, 2563

น้ำใจช่างโจ ผักขายไม่ได้ งั้นก็แจกฟรี!!! นี่คือน้ำใจจากคนบ้านนอก + ดูเมกา...

ผักขายไม่ได้ งั้นก็แจกฟรี!!! นี่คือน้ำใจจากคนบ้านนอก
ไม่รู้ว่าได้อะไร แต่ภูมิใจในตัวเอง ช่วยกันครับ!!!
ช่างโจ เจ้าของร้านซ่อมรถจักรยานยนต์เล็ก ๆ ชาวบ้านหนองแฝก อ.ม่วงสามสิบ จ.อุบลราชธานี ปลูกผักไว้กินไว้ขาย หวังสร้างรายได้เสริม แต่เจอพิษโควิด-19 ผักขายไม่ได้เพราะทุกคนไม่มีเงิน เศรษฐกิจในชุมชนเงียบเหงา เขาจึงแก้ปัญหาด้วยการ แจกฟรี!!! ทั้งที่ไม่รู้ว่าทำแล้วได้อะไร
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ให้ได้เป็นควมหวัง พอเผิ่งกันได้
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Pigs Aborted, Chickens Gassed And Soon Cattle - Pandemic Slams USA Meat Sector

May 1, 2020

End Time News

What’s going on when the pandemic slams the meat sector...hundreds of thousands of piglets are aborted and millions of chickens are gassed… And soon cattle will follow.

With the pandemic hobbling the meat-packing industry, Iowa farmer Al Van Beek had nowhere to ship his full-grown pigs to make room for the 7,500 piglets he expected from his breeding operation. 

The crisis forced a decision that still troubles him: He ordered his employees to give injections to the pregnant sows, one by one, that would cause them to abort their baby pigs. 

Van Beek and other farmers say they have no choice but to cull livestock as they run short on space to house their animals or money to feed them, or both....

Oregon farmers dump produce as COVID-19 shuts down big customers

Apr 14, 2020

KGW News

Some large farming operations are being forced to dump their products as restaurants, schools and other institutions cancel orders.

It's a shame to see, millions of onions dumped in a trench to spoil. Shay Myers is a third-generation farmer on the Oregon-Idaho border who says he is being forced to throw out tons of produce. Owyhee Produce grows enough onions to feed 7 million Americans for a year. 

Most of the crop is normally served at restaurants. But that business has all but vanished. 

"Even when the restaurants closed we shipped at 100% of normal for two weeks. Now, we’re five, ten, maybe 15% of normal," said Myers. 

That's become the new norm across the country amid the coronavirus pandemic. Because big customers, like restaurants and schools, are closed, many produce makers are having to dump their goods, from onions in Oregon to green beans tilled in the fields of Florida to milk in Wisconsin. 

At least for Myers, this is near the end of the onion run, before they'll plant again here. But it's hard to throw out a lot of perfectly good produce, Myers said, especially when onions are still coming into the country from Mexico. 

"It’s a really painful thing, but more than anything it’s frustrating. I think people need to understand the ramifications of COVID-19 but also of the decisions that they make and the supply chain. What it takes to get your produce from one side of the country to the other, or one side to the state to the other," said Myers. 

If there is a bright spot, some smaller local farms are doing OK. Sun Gold Farm in Forest Grove is doing more pre-ordered delivery and drive-through business, at farmer's markets. They appreciate the support. 

"Farmers markets sales being down just a little bit but still open, it’s more important now more than ever to support that local business, that local farmer because boy we got it, it’s a phenomenal growing season right now," said Chris Hertel. 

And at the Helvetia Farm Market, they're practicing social distancing but seeing more business, as people cook healthy, for themselves. 

"The demand has really increased. People are looking for food that’s local. They want to shop in a place they don’t feel is crowded," said Geoff Scott. 


Wisconsin farmers are dumping milk to help stabilize supply during coronavirus pandemic

TMJ4 News

Apr 2, 2020

Farmers are being forced to dump milk due to Covid-19