วันอังคาร, มิถุนายน 18, 2562

Nearly 2 million of Hong Kong’s 7 million residents took to the streets in protest on June 16 — what a remarkable victory! but they're still facing a powerful enemy

(CNN)The people of Hong Kong have secured a remarkable victory, but they have far more cause to worry than to celebrate. A cloud of anxiety hangs over Hong Kong's future.

Their odds are daunting, their enemies powerful. But their freedom is at stake; that's why Hong Kongers turned out in force against a controversial extradition bill, surprising even themselves with the strength of their voice in a Sunday protest. Organizers estimate that an incredible two million people (police said hundreds of thousands) -- out of just over seven million residents -- filled the streets, sending a message not only to their local government but to the regime in Beijing, which is steadily eroding their rights. The people won a battle against the local government, but the real threat comes from a far more implacable force.