วันจันทร์, กุมภาพันธ์ 08, 2564

อ.จรัลเล่า ชาวพม่าชุมนุมต้านรัฐประหารที่หน้าศาลาว่าการนครปารีส เมื่อรู้ว่ามีคนไทยเข้าร่วม ทุกคนดีใจมาก

Jaran Ditapichai
February 5 at 7:27 AM ·

Statement of the Thai Action Committee for Democracy in Burma (TACDB)
Condemn the Military Coup in Myanmar / Republic of the Union of Myanmar

A military team under the command of General Min Aung Hlaing, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar / Burma, in the early morning of February 1, 2021, took power from the democratic government led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. claiming that as there were frauds in the election on 8 November 2020 which the military junta could not accept and need to protect the current 2008 Constitution by coup d’état.

Thai Action Committee for Democracy in Burma (TACDB) under the Thai Allied Committee with Desegregated Burma foundation (TACDB) condemns this coup for the following reasons:

1. The coup is a crime against democracy. In particular, Myanmar has General election recently elect by the people who expressed their willingness to authorize the National League for Democracy (NLD) party to the majority in administrations. The coup, therefore, does not have any legitimacy to Burmese who desire democratic politics that value their free will.

2. The coup was the abolition of sovereignty with principles of separation and checks and balances Is the heart of a democratic society. By centralizing the executive power, legislation and the judiciary into one power under the group of persons in the name of the coup will be an arbitrary use of power.

3. The coup will cause widespread human rights abuses against the Burmese people, contradicting international principles accepted worldwide in which Myanmar itself recognized as being part of the world community and ASEAN.

4. Seizing power through a coup conflicts against the rule of law / rule by law in which all persons must be protected equally under the law. It cannot claim by any group of persons to enforce the law arbitrarily especially the use of power to sweep and arrest the government, the elected representatives as well as all persons that use freedom to express different opinions or expresses against a coup. This could be also the use of power that may lead to all forms of extrajudicial killings regardless of the judicial process and human rights according to the international principle of the United Nations which show its savage as there are no rules consistent with democratic ways.

For these reasons, Thai Action Committee for Democracy in Burma (TACDB) condemns the coup and calls upon Burma's military coup as follows:

1. Abolish the coup that unjustified seize power, Accept and respect election results, And restore power to rule by elected representatives immediately;

2. Respect the human rights of politicians, students and people of Myanmar and immediately freed those who were in custody.

This statement bases on the belief in Human Rights, Rule of law / Rule by Law and the principles of democracy and as Thai people who are a good neighborhood of Myanmar people and as a member of the ASEAN community.

Announced on February 1, 2021