วันเสาร์, พฤษภาคม 11, 2562

บทวิเคราะห์ เอเชียไทม์ ประยุทธ์ 2.0 ไม่น่าจะรอดได้นาน

Prayut 2.0 may not last long in Thailand

Official election results pave the way for coup-maker leader to head a new elected coalition government some already predict could swiftly fall from power
Analysts already foresee in the numbers and tone an inherently unstable new democratic order, characterized by policy gridlock, high-volume political noise and non-stop politicized allegations and recriminations volleyed from both sides of the pro- and anti-military divide.
Analysts believe Prayut’s big umbrella coalition will inevitably be prone to leakage as he endeavors to satisfy the asks and demands of 20 or more parties. The Democrats are reportedly lobbying for six Cabinet positions, including agriculture and a major economic portfolio, to join.
Prayut is now widely expected to resume the premiership on a pro-stability campaign pledge, a vow he will likely find difficult to uphold presiding over a wobbly 20-party coalition and amid a daggers-drawn opposition bent on political revenge.

Even before the career soldier is installed into democratic power, as widely expected, Bangkok-based diplomats and analysts are already speculating about how soon his razor thin majority government may fall, and whether he will even be eligible or willing to run in new elections some reckon could be held as early as 2020.

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