วันพฤหัสบดี, มีนาคม 02, 2566

FCCT panel about two pro-democracy activists now on hunger strike in front of the Supreme Court

Jeanne Marie Hallacy is at Foreign Correspondents' Club of Thailand - FCCT.
Bangkok, Thailand · 7h

FCCT panel about two pro-democracy activists now on hunger strike in front of the Supreme Court.
Tantawan "Tawan" Tuatulanon and Orawan "Bam" Phupong, aged 21 and 23, are both charged with lese majeste for conducting a public polling exercise about the monarchy, and face jail terms of 3 to 15 years for each count.
"Why do these young people have to commit to these actions? I don’t know what will happen, but I know we have to save their lives. I am concerned they might not last until this Sunday" says Khun Krisadang, the lawyer representing the hunger strikers.
Human Rights Watch Thailand researcher Khun Sunai says, "Unless Thailand opens up free expression it cannot be treated on normal footing internationally. It needs to be held accountable. Political detainees need to be released from unjust pre-trial detention. It is appalling that the Thai court forces two girls to face a life-or-death situation to fight for the standard international practice of assumption of innocence."
Amnesty International Thailand launched a campaign letter to the Prime Minister calling for charges to be dropped. "These hunger strikers show how activists continue to rely on nonviolent protest. The government has the power to end this by honoring its human rights commitment. Amend or repeal
laws that condemn peaceful dissent. Time is running out" says researcher Khun Chanatip.
Kasit Piromya, Chairman of the ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights warned that political freedoms are eroding. "We have to come to the realization that since the coup of 2014, Thailand is moving further to the right. The heart of darkness is what is happening in Thai society right now."

Nithiwat Wannasiri
4h ·
ที่สมาคมผู้สื่อข่าวต่างประเทศ(FCCT) วันนี้
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