วันพฤหัสบดี, ตุลาคม 17, 2562

ไม่มีเกียรติยศให้เผด็จการ วันที่ 30 ก.ย. 2562 ศาลสูงสเปนมีคำสั่งให้ขุดศพของนายพลฟรังโก้ออกจากอนุสรณ์สถานผู้เสียสละเพื่อชาติ Valley of the Fallen ไปฝังในสุสานธรรมดาๆ


Who wants to exhume Franco?

Sánchez made exhuming Franco a political priority when he entered office in 2018. He argues that exhuming the dictator will help “heal the suffering of the Franco regime’s victims.” Last year, he also announced the creation of a truth commission to investigate the regime’s crimes.

“The issue of franquismo really activates leftwing voters,” says Lluís Orriols, a politics professor at Madrid’s Carlos III University. “And a plus [for leftwing politicians] is that it doesn’t cost anything, like popular social programs do.”

Sánchez’s deputy Carmen Calvo said after the Supreme Court ruling that the government would move Franco’s remains “as soon as possible” to Mingorrubio, a public cemetery on the north edge of Madrid.

Source: https://time.com/5684966/spain-exhume-dictator-francisco-franco/