วันศุกร์, ตุลาคม 21, 2565

ชวนอ่านโพสต์ของ ยัล มาร์ฉัล ผู้ไปกับ อ.จรัล รับน้องผู้ลี้ภัยคนใหม่ มีข้อมูล-ข้อคิดน่าสนใจ

Yan Marchal

Yesterday I accompanied Jaran Ditapichai to the detention center of Charles de Gaulle airport (annexe du tribunal de grande instance de Bobigny). There was a person - whose name will be withheld for now - who came to France from Thailand without a valid visa to escape a lese-majeste (112) charge in Thailand.

After having been detained for multiple days, that person was freed last night, upon guarantee from Jaran that they would be taken care of, and granted a temporary right of stay of 7 days. They must rush their asylum application process.

The loophole to come to France without a valid visa consists in booking a flight for another destination that you have a visa for (or that does not require a visa), with a stopover in France, and go to the police and tell you want to apply for asylum. You will then be put in the detention center.

I would *not* recommend doing it, for several reasons:

1/ France has no duty to let you in. They can as well decide to send you back. In particular, your chances of being let in will highly depend on the availability and goodwill of a French guarantor.

2/ 7 days is a very short time to manage the process that will allow you to stay longer.

3/ Do not expect a good experience at the detention center. Many officers are polite, but some are nasty. Given what I experienced as a visitor, I can only imagine the experience for detainees.

The "proper" way, if you can, is to get a visa to France and come legally. And then apply for asylum.

We will do all we can to help this person. I will make further announcements later on, as this person is not the only one who is presently abroad to flee a lese-majeste charge.

One anecdote: while there, we also helped a Sudanese lady who was let in despite not having a guarantor (probably because she was traveling with two young children). She only spoke arabic - neither French nor English. She would be sheltered by the Red Cross downtown Paris, but she would have to go there without having a clue about how to go - or even money to buy the train tickets. We found her cluelessly wandering in the airport late at night with her two children. I tried to explain her what to do through Google translate, and Jaran was kind enough to gift her train tickets. I wish her luck, but I cannot imagine how hard the whole process will be for her.

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