วันอาทิตย์, กันยายน 08, 2567

บทความล่าสุดของ Prem Singh Gill ใน 112Watch เปรียบเทียบทักษิณกับผู้นำเผด็จการของฮังการี ส่งผลต่อกระบวนการประชาธิปไตยอย่างไร

Thaksin Shinawatra's political evolution in Thailand mirrors Viktor Orban's authoritarian playbook in Hungary, raising alarm bells for democratic advocates.
Thaksin Shinawatra’s shift from populist icon to strongman strategist, now facing Section 112 Lèse Majesté charges, is raising concerns about a Viktor Orban-style erosion of Thai democracy. This common thread looms large over Thailand's political landscape, on his recent actions bear striking similarities to Orban’s autocratic approach, where populism evolved into centralised power and weakened democratic institutions. Thaksin’s legal challenges and political maneuvers suggest a potential move toward authoritarianism, echoing Hungary's trajectory. The parallels between these leaders' transformations signal a potential erosion of democratic processes, with Thaksin's maneuvers potentially inflicting lasting damage on Thailand's democratic foundations, much as Orban's actions have in Hungary.
Can Thailand’s democracy survive Thaksin Shinawatra’s metamorphosis from populist champion to shadow strongman, or will it follow the path of democratic erosion seen in Orban’s Hungary? The answer will have profound implications not just for Thailand but for the broader narrative of democracy in the face of charismatic, adaptive autocrats worldwide. As this political drama unfolds, the world watches, waiting to see if Thailand will become another cautionary tale of democratic backsliding or a beacon of hope for those fighting to preserve the principles of representative governance against the tide of authoritarianism.

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