Confusion over mixing and matching COVID-19 vaccines follows WHO comments
Jul 13, 2021
CBC News
Infectious diseases specialist Dr. Isaac Bogoch says the World Health Organization's warning about mixing and matching vaccines only applies to people who've had both doses of a vaccine, then try to get an additional dose of any kind of vaccine without following public health directives. He said WHO had amended its initial warning, stating that mixing and matching vaccines is fine as long as people follow the advice of public health leadership.
Jul 13, 2021
The World Health Organization's chief scientist on Monday advised against people mixing and matching COVID-19 vaccines from different manufacturers, calling it a "dangerous trend" since there was little data available about the health impact
— หมูมะนาว (ฟลว.ฝากร้านได้ใต้ทุกทวีต) (@moomanoww) July 13, 2021